Blackcurrants – a Smart Little Berry!

For centuries blackcurrants have been thought to have medicinal benefits, but recent scientific research has confirmed the powerful healing and protective properties of this remarkable fruit.

Blackcurrants have been found to have significant health benefits; particularly in the areas of age-related diseases, brain function and exercise. They contain very high levels of Vitamin C, responsible for maintaining our immune system, healthy skin and hair, and other essential processes. They also have high levels of antioxidants which are known to help protect against many diseases.

Antioxidants and aging
One area in which blackcurrants excel is in their polyphenol content – these are antioxidants, which are known to help protect against many diseases. The types of antioxidant in blackcurrants surpass those in most other fruits; they’re anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, anticancer, and help protect against heart disease and the diseases related to ageing. Plant polyphenols can also help protect your skin, meaning that eating more blackcurrants along with a healthy diet could make you look and feel healthier for longer!

Brain benefits
A new scientific discovery by Associate Professor Dr Jian Guan of the University of Auckland, has found that New Zealand blackcurrants have high levels of a chemical known as cyclic Glycine-Proline (cGP). This is an important brain nutrient, essential for your overall body health and particularly for keeping brain function healthy and normal as you age.

Exercise booster
Scientists have found that drinking juice from New Zealand blackcurrants before exercising could increase your motivation to exercise and to stick to regular exercise practices. Blackcurrant extract has also been found to help heart function and lower blood pressure during exercise such as brisk walking.

Blackcurrants can easily become a part of your diet; they can be eaten raw or cooked and are widely available frozen, freeze dried, or as a powder. This concentrates the nutritional benefits of the berry without adding more sugar.

The team at Coastline Chiropractic Centre appreciate the importance of quality nutrition for health and wellbeing. Contact us for some Nutritional and Exercise advice for whole body health.

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Blackcurrants – a Smart Little Berry!